
Nature in Cabalango

Unwind and relax When my wife asked me to take a breath for a few days, I didn’t hesitate a minute, and immediately, I thought of Cabalango: a great place to unwind and relax. Cabalango is a small village in Cordoba Province, located in the Punilla Valley, in the centre of Argentine. Los Chorrillos river crosses the village and creates a peaceful atmosphere, and invites you to walk on the banks and relax.

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apt install ansiweather #!/bin/bash i=$(date “+Hoy es %d-%m-%Y y este es el tiempo en “) j=$(ansiweather -l 3433955 -s false -a false -w false -i false | cut -c 13- ) j=( $j ) j="${j[*]}” sed -i “3c\$i$j” /home/ubuntu/oracle-arm/gemini/content/about/milanga.gmi ejecuta cada 4 horas crontab -e 0 */4 * * * /home/ubuntu/oracle-arm/gemini/gemini_date_weather.sh